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I am the one who full of happiness..

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I Love My Friends.!

Relationship sometime is very hard to maintain..
we all need to spend time with your friends, talking, meeting togeher..
These three girls was I met last term in school..2 Korean, 2 Chinese..

I still can remember the first time we dated, we talked for more than 3 hours..
Crazy..~Nice day..
 Hope to meet u guys soon.!
PS..the one covered her mouth, is Sharon.lol..!!


  1. yeah... so good...
    I like this picture..
    give me every pictures we took..haha

    but... I definitely can see...
    I'm gaining weight....T_T

  2. Is this Bostion Pizza in MetroTown mall? looks very familar...

  3. To Martin: no...There is Wings close to Metro..~
